so it's about time to mmet up with the boy and see what kind of use he can be. right now, i can offer to make him a permanent part of my herd (not using the specific word), give him employ and maybe if he earns it, a touch of permanent chemistry. nothing says loving like makin him a pretty boy, or a super yummy smell good make the ladies drool boy...
to review, i know he has a job at goodyear working on cars. he's good at roughing people up, smokin pot and drinking beer. but since he has a steady supply of drugs, i assume he has a contact or two who can get things. so, since i want to start building an import/export business this is a plus.
imports im interested in inculde: cigars from cuba, the ban is relaxed but not fully lifted. bonus points for pre-bans in good condition. high end liquors. antiques and the like. kindred specific imports i'm interested in would be manuscripts, occult books, and various drinkables (not sumggling in people).
exports: i'd have to think about this. it would likely be an addition to the business rather than part of the original plan.
i want wade to research areas that might be a good place to set up shop, and i want him to research clients who i should invite to the opening.
i'm sure that at least one of my ladies would be able to help me get start up capitol, either in the form of a loan or just by giving me a chunck of change.